Take a look at the slideshow that showcases the last 175 years!
Early Church History
Estelle Lantzy, former church historian, reported that Jonesboro Methodist Church was established in 1845 by eight members who increased the church roll to 15 members by 1850. The first church services were held in the homes of its members. When people joined the church, they were given a certificate or church letter which was an important document to keep in a secure place. Those letters of membership could expire like todays driver’s licenses; and, if someone committed personal offenses such as slander, lying or gossiping, their letters could be revoked.

Second Building
The first church building for the Methodists (of which we have no photo) was located on Stockbridge Street, east of the railroad. Later, a white frame, columned structure was used until 1905 (in the area of our back parking lot) on College Street. The third church building was located on Main Street and used un-til 1966 when it was torn down to make room for the pre-sent building erected on that site. Rev. Fred Shellnut was the pastor at that time. The Administration Building was built in 1955 and the new education building was erected in 1966, followed by the CAB in 1984.

Third Building
The yellow brick house on the south corner was removed and the area landscaped and covered with pumpkins every October. For a little perspective, let’s examine what was happening in our community and in our country during the period when our church was established. (See highlighted area.)
1821 – Pioneers settled in the area now call Jonesboro after Creek Indians ceded a portion of their territory to the State of Georgia.
1845 – Jonesboro Methodist Church established.
James Polk was sworn in as 11th President on Mar. 4.
Congress annexed Texas which later became a state.
Florida admitted as a state.
Great fires occurred in Pittsburgh and New York City.
Annapolis Naval School opened with 50 students.
Baylor University chartered.
Edgar Allan Poe wrote “The Raven.”
Frederick Douglass published “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.”
Dr. Crawford Long used anesthesia in childbirth for the first time in Jefferson, Georgia.
A patent for “self-raising” flour was granted.
Red and white gingham checked cloth was widely woven on looms after a patent by Erastus Bigelow.
Rubber bands were patented.
1859 – City of Jonesboro was incorporated.